Congratulations on the birth of your Baby!

from the priests and people of Bantry Family of Parishes which includes

Bantry ✠ Caheragh ✠ Goleen ✠ Muintir Bháire ✠ Schull

To arrange a Baptism

1. Begin by contacting the Bantry Parish Office

Call 027 56398 to arrange a Date, Time and Church.

2. Then complete the Baptism Registration

Online Baptism Registration

or if you prefer print and return the completed form below along with a copy of the child's birth certificate to

Bantry Parish Office
Chapel Street
Bantry, Co. Cork
P75 T270

Print the Baptism Registration Form

The sacrament of BaptismThe sacrament of Baptism

With either method please wait for the time and date of the ceremony to be confirmed.

Parish Records

After the baptism, the parish will enter the details of your baby’s baptism in the Baptismal Register of the parish. Until your child is 18, you will be able to obtain a certificate of baptism from this parish. Once your child is 18, he/she will be able to obtain the certificate themselves.

What to Bring

  • A Baptism Candle. A separate candle is required for each child.
  • A white blanket or shawl in the hand (this is placed on the child during the ceremony).
  • The family gives an offering to the priest on the day of Baptism. It is also customary to give a gratuity to the sacristan who prepares the church.