Diocesan News
A group for those interested in discerning a vocation to the priesthood will resume on:
Saturday 8 February 2025
The Cork and Ross Discerners Group is for Catholic men (aged 18 to 40) interested in discerning diocesan priesthood. Discernment is the effort we make to discover God’s particular will for us with the help of the Holy Spirit and the support of others.
When trying to listen to God speaking to us in prayer, it can often be difficult to work out what God is saying to us, so we need someone experienced in the spiritual life to help us discern God's voice and move in the direction He is calling us.
The Discerners Group will help you to explore the diocesan priesthood in a small group where you will find support and fraternity. Together, you will be given the opportunity to pray, discuss the priesthood, listen for God’s voice, and learn how to answer His call.
The discerners are accompanied by priests of the Diocese who will help you to find clarity in answering the question, “What is the best next step I can take right now to draw closer to the vocation God has for me?”
For more information:
Resource published for Catholic Schools Week 2025 in Cork and Ross
Catholic Schools Week, which takes place from 19th – 25th January, will be particularly significant throughout the Diocese of Cork and Ross this year.
As part of the Diocesan Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment, Bishop Fintan has arranged diocesan resources for primary schools My Parish – A Family of Faith which are available here.
As Bishop Fintan mentions in his introduction, his hope is that these resources will support primary school pupils, families, school communities and parish faith communities in reflecting on and deepening the essential connections between them all.
Further resources for Catholic Schools Week are available here
With just weeks to go to the first Confirmation ceremony in the diocese this year, teachers and priests from across the diocese met to discuss and plan for the special days
Addressing the meeting at Innishannon, Bishop Fintan thanked all present for their part in suppporting the faith of the children in the schools. The workshop was to explain and expand on the innovations which were introduced for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation throughout the Diocese last year.
Ballineaspaig Parish in Cork and Timoleague Parish will both host the first Confirmation ceremonies on Tuesday February 11th. The ceremonies continue until Friday April 4th.
See the full schedule and list of resources here
Are you considering the Poor Clare vocation or would you like to know more about the enclosed contemplative life of a religious sister?
You are invited to join the Sisters for a:
Vocations Afternoon
Saturday 22 February 2025
2:00pm to 4:00pm
at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork
Next steps in Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment about to begin
Gatherings in each Family of Parishes across the diocese are the next steps in the Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment which was annoiunced by Bishop Fintan Gavin last autumn.
Over the next four months, all the Parishes and Families of Parishes of our Diocese will be involved. Representatives of each Parish Leadership Team along with the local priests will participate in three meetings over three weeks reflecting on the questions posed in Bishop Fintan’s invitation in September.
Since September, people individually and in Parishes, have been praying the Diocesan Prayer from the Boat. As we continue to pray this prayer together, we pray for the success of these gatherings and we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us as together we try to pray, listen, and discern God’s future for our Church.
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087 799 9886
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